[ipv6-tf] ICANN wspiera IPv6

Bartek Gajda gajda w man.poznan.pl
Pon, 26 Lip 2004, 11:38:52 CEST

Marcin Gondek wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 11:30, Bartek Gajda wrote:
>>Pewnie ze ciekawy! :-)
>>A nawet pokazuje znacznie wiecej informacji technicznych  (np. o 
>>peeringach fizycznych), czego nie ma na oficjalnej stronie 
>I jest robiony z myślą o europejczykach :-)
dokladnie! a nawet jest on z mysla zeby uniezaleznic sie od USA w 
przypadku problemow z root serwerami:

The U.S.A (under the current or any future administration) are 
theoretically and practically able to control "our" accesses to contents 
of the Internet and are also able to limit them. A manipulation of the 
Root zone could cause that the whole name space .DE is not attainable 
any more for the remaining world - outside from Germany.

We are convinced that such a power is not acceptable in any way even if 
there has not been such a case (at least not officially). This project 
does not represent an isolation from the "American" Internet, however, 
is supposed to limit the influence and control of the U.S.A 
substantially. Further a weight distribution on the ORSN-network would 
have positive effects (speed) for everyone in the Internet.

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