[ipv6-tf] dns over ipv6

Mateusz Ulasinski mulas w pf.pl
Wto, 23 Lis 2004, 20:14:56 CET

JJ> On 2004-11-23, Mateusz Ulasinski wrote:

>> Jakis czas temu probowalem uruchomic przykladowa siec nazwijmy ja
>> "only-ipv6", co oznacza - siec z obsluga tylko stosu ipv6, bez obslugi
>> ipv4.
>> W przypadku takiej proby napotkalem na spory problem.Mianowicie nie
>> moglem odnalesc usługi dns (os linux), ktora potrafilaby nawiazywac
>> polaczenie po ipv6 ("dns over ipv6"), a nie, jak czyni to wiekszosc
>> istniejacyh implementacji, wylacznie po ipv4.

JJ> Wyciąg ze źródeł glibca (resolv/README)

JJ> #v+
JJ> The resolver in the GNU C Library
JJ> *********************************

JJ> Starting with version 2.2, the resolver in the GNU C Library comes
JJ> from BIND 8.
JJ> [...]
JJ> Differences
JJ> ===========

JJ> The resolver in the GNU C Library still differs from what's in BIND
JJ> 8.2.3-T5B:
JJ> [...]
JJ> * The resolver in glibc can connect to a nameserver over IPv6.  Just
JJ>     specify the IPv6 address in /etc/resolv.conf.  You cannot change the
JJ>     address of an IPv6 nameserver dynamically in your program though.
JJ> #v-

JJ> Z kolei (za http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/sw/bind/bind9.3.php):

JJ> #v+
JJ> BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the
JJ> underlying BIND architecture. Some of the important features of BIND 9
JJ> are:
JJ> [...]
JJ>    * IP version 6
JJ>     o  Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets
JJ>     o  IPv6 resource records (DNAME, etc.)
JJ>     o  Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library
JJ> #v-


rzeczywiscie bind9 obsluguje dns over ipv6, dzieki serdeczne za pomoc.


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